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A free monthly electronic newsletter about living with greater inner peace and happiness and seeing the splendor in your life instead of what is wrong or lacking - based on the workshops by Kevin Stacey.

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Read Past Issues: 

January 2004: I caught myself (again).

December 2003: Visit the ER

November 2003: What’s the Point?

October 2003:   Job Immunity.

September 2003:  Let it go.

August 2003:  Who’s the master?

July 2003:  Annoying Flies.

June 2003:  Play a better scene. 

May 2003:  What are you looking for? 

April 2003:  You'll Never Be Finished Anyway 

March 2003:  Mental Toughness- the "4 'R's" 

February 2003:  Mental Toughness 

January 2003:  Frustration 

December 2002:  Creating a Sense of Accomplishment 

October 2002:  Silence the Inner Critic 

September 2002:  Getting Ahead of Yourself

August 2002:    Sudden Wake-Up Calls

July 2002:        Pursuing Happiness, Part 2

June  2002:       What is it costing me? 

May 2002:        Control

April 2002:       Pursuing Happiness

March 2002:     The Power of Clarity

February 2002:  The four choices to take responsibility for
the things that chronically bother you instead of sweating 
over them.

January 2002:   Quiet the Busy Mind

December 2001:  Banish Worry

November 2001:  Making Room for Joyful Thinking - 
Melting the Snowballs in Your Mind

October 2001:     Self-Created Stress: What to do about it?

September 2001:    Self-Created Stress: What is it? Where does it originate?